And in a flash, August is gone and it’s now the 3rd of September!
A lot has been happening behind the scenes as we at ELTA-Rhine continue to work hard for all of you. We will be launching our new website soon, the newsletter team is finalising the summer/autumn issue and we’re planning not one, but TWO informal meet-ups in the next few weeks. We are also busy organising our Inter-ELTA Members ‘ Day, happening online at the end of November.
Before we look at events this month, we would also like to look back at August. Please join us in congratulating our colleagues from ELTA-Rhine as well as our sister ELTAs for a successful collaboration with Pilgrim’s Teacher Training. After months of hard work, we published the Germany issue of Humanising Language Teaching, an online magazine for teachers of English, in August. This issue features articles by our very own ELTA-Rhine colleagues: Lorcan Flynn, Laura Edwards, Katrin Lichterfeld, Victoria Sheppard and Khanh-Duc Kuttig.
So, what’s happening at ELTA this month? HELTA are hosting Julie Moore and OUP representative, Lis Winterwerb-Cossons on the 11th, ELTABB are hosting Khanh-Duc Kuttig on the 18th and Stephanie Rahe is coming to ELTA-Rhine on the 25th, all online events. ELTAS are having their first face-to-face event in …. 18 months, and if you’re in the area, do stop by for an exciting session with Timothy Phillips!
We hope you have a good September and look foward to seeing you at our events!
Best wishes,
Khanh-Duc & Laura
Events Coordinators