Loading Events

by Dr Simon Phipps

Free to members of all Germany ELTAs.

Join us as we return from our summer break with a special event combining professional development and social gathering.

  • 11:00 – 13:00: Teacher beliefs
  • 13:00 – 14:00: Lunch & networking
  • 14:00 – 16:00: CPD beyond the pandemic

We are planning for a hybrid event with the face-to-face meeting taking place at Haus der Universität in Düsseldorf. The platform for the hybrid event is Zoom.

Coming back from our summer break is a good time to re-visit our teacher beliefs – beliefs about learning and teaching – and discuss with colleagues and friends where we’d like to go in terms of our own development as teachers. This discussion should renew our enthusiasm for the work we do and carry us through into the colder, winter months.

The second session focuses on continuing professional development (CPD), and how the global pandemic of 2020 has changed education at all levels. How do we view our own professional and personal development? What are the challenges and opportunities for CPD in this changing world? The group discussion will focus on the practical steps we can take for our own professional development.

  • This event has passed.
  • Cost
  • Start Time
    August 20 - 11:00 am
  • End Time
    August 20 - 4:00 pm
  • Organizer
  • Location
    Schadowplatz 14
    Düsseldorf, 40212
    + Google Map

Registrations are closed for this event