The ELTA-Rhine Literature Group
Book Club
ELTA-Rhine’s LitGroup is almost as old as the association itself. Basically a book club, it owes its title to our interest in not only discussing our reactions to fiction, but also analysing how the novels we read are put together and how they create their effects.
Having praised, slammed and equivocated over more than a hundred volumes, we are still a lively mix of those who ‘just enjoy a good read’ and those who like to dig a little deeper. We normally meet in each others’ homes for a couple of hours once a quarter, usually at 4 p.m. on a Sunday, to discuss a book we have chosen by majority vote one or two meetings before. At the moment, we are meeting online for obvious reasons. We usually select a work of contemporary fiction but have also traditionally tackled a classic once a year and have been known to discuss the odd memoir. Though the titles are always English-language originals, the authors come from all over the world.
If this sounds like something for you, please come and join us. Just contact me on 0221 / 720 1544 or for the address of our next meeting or to get the link.

ELTA-Rhine Choir
The ELTA-Rhine choir usually meets approximately once a month, usually at 6 p.m. on a Sunday evening, with refreshments, at private premises near the Alte Feuerwache in Cologne. Currently we are meeting online, which is not ideal but keeps us in touch with each other and our voices fit. And it means distance is no objection! If you’d like to join us, contact me on 0221 / 720 1544 or for details of the next rehearsal.